Eye Care for Every Generation in Livermore

Vision Care, Redefined

At AccuVision EyeCare Optometry, we bring a fresh approach to family eye care. From comprehensive exams and contact lens fittings to myopia control for kids, we provide personalized, no-pressure care that’s all about helping you look, see, and feel your best.

With Spanish-speaking staff and a curated selection of stylish eyewear, we’re here to make eye care easy, welcoming, and tailored for the whole family. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.

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Clear Vision, Bright Futures

We believe in enhancing lives through better vision!

Gone are the days of watching your child’s vision change without solutions. Our team offers tailored programs for kids, featuring innovative treatments like low-dose atropine, MiSight daily soft contact lenses, and ortho-k breathable overnight contact lenses. These options gently slow the progression of myopia, helping to keep your child’s vision clear and vibrant for their future.

Join us in our mission to see better, feel better, and live better. With our friendly, experienced team by your side, managing your child’s vision needs is streamlined and effective.

Come explore how we can support you and your family in nurturing your child’s eye health, helping them grow up with strong, clear vision for a lifetime of well-being.

Our Myopia Control Services

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Our Address

  • 2580 Old First St.
  • Livermore, CA 94550

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